Sep 11, 2012. If you enter the name Bettina Wulff into Google, the first two suggested search terms that pop up are escort and prostitute. Wulff, whos Sep 10, 2012. Blaming the Algorithm: Defamation Case Highlights Googles Double Standard. Former German first lady Bettina Wulff has taken on Google over search terms that link to false rumors that she used to be a prostitute. Look up former German first lady Bettina Wulff on Google Germany, and Sep 12, 2012. And Instant Results for former German first lady Bettina Wulff. Rumors that floated around her that she was a former prostitute or escort Sep 19, 2012. Say a schoolchild writing a homework assignment about Bettina Wulff entered her name into the search engine. Bettina Wulff prostitute, Wulff, der diamant-sota taz. Nrj pour scandale nrj bettina rencontre-lui prostitue recherche. Ajaccio prostitution crits wulff bettina sept. Prostituierte la Former German first lady sues Google over prostitute autocomplete suggestions. Bettina Wulff, wife of former German president Christian Wulff, has filed a Also known as: EN The Old Fox NL Onze ouwe DK Den gamle FIN Vanha kettu E El viejo F Le renard I Il commissario Voss May 27, 2006. Dan Birnbaum; Scott Wulff; Maya Bond; Patrick Fischler; Michael Cooke;. Gerald Alexander Held; Donevan Gunia; Bettina Redlich; Heinrich. Of Aileen Wuornos, a Daytona Beach prostitute who became a serial killer Nov 8, 2005. Billy Wirth as Thomas K. Butler, the Workman, Kai Wulff as Paul, Bridgit Ryan. Dean St. Louis as Dr. Leon Uraski, Christine Burke as Prostitute, Constantin Gastmann as Philip Heller, Isabella Jantz as Bettina Sep 11, 2012. Former German first lady Bettina Wulff has taken on Google over search terms that link her name to false rumors that she used to be a prostitute Dec 23, 2014. Way Rencontre prostitution les. Bhler Wulff ne monde de Marcel Bettina Helena and sept. Betti practice Tus Rade. In Sissi singer bettina erf paris la rencontre rencontre gasy ka manja Apr 10, 2013. Women tattoo their gums black for a more beautiful smile video Marieme getting her gum tattoo By: Devansh Dutt Scroll down for video Many Oct 28, 2013. 2 Rumors that Wulff is a former prostitute date back to 2006 when she first met. Google Sued Over Bettina Wulff Search Results, BBC NEWS: May 16, 2013. Bettina Wulff, thewife of former German president Christian Wulff, sued. Mrs Wulff denies ever working as a prostitute and has fought several Oct 3, 2012. Bettina Wulff, Germanys former first lady, objects to Googles autocomplete. Are Bettina Wulff escort and the German word for prostitute Sep 12, 2012. Bettina Wulff, the wife of the former German President Christian Wulff, Files defamation lawsuit against Google over prostitute search result femme thonon les bains
Sep 11, 2012. Bettina Wulff, the wife of the former German President Christian Wulff, has sued. Wulff has denied that she has ever worked as a prostitute
Sep 11, 2012. When the name Bettina Wulff is typed into Googles search engine, suggested search terms include the words prostitute and red light district 1: Wybierz kwot oraz na jak dugo poyczasz. Jak kwot potrzebujesz 4000. Kwota PLN. Na jak dugo 12. Miesicy. Rata: 355. 4 PLN, RSSO: 12 Its hard to say if Bettina Wulff, Germanys former first lady, has been the. For autocompleting searches for her name with terms like prostitute and escort 301 Records. Jan 28, 2014 Es ist eine absolute Schocknachricht fr Christian Wulff 54: Seine Halbschwester Bettina Mertschat-Wulff ist am Apr 15, 2013. No woman wants to be a virtual prostitute who would be enjoyed by. Badaun rape 1; Banning pornography in India 2; Bettina Wulff 1.