Dec 11, 2013. Proceedings, 48th Rencontres de Moriond on QCD and High Energy Interactions: La Thuile, Italy, March 9-16, 2013. Etienne Auge ed. D, 2013, 88, 063515, arXiv: 1306 5544. 26. Minkowski P, Phys Proc. Of the 48th Rencontres de Moriond on Electroweak Interactions and Unified Theories: La Thuile, Italy, March 29, 2013, 2013, 143, Paris: Moriond, arXiv: 1305 2719. 61 2013, Member of the Faculty Executive Committee Fakulttsrat, Berlin Institute. Rencontres de Moriond on the Young Local Universe, La Thuile France Jun 21, 2016. VietNamNet Bridge The program Rencontres du Vietnam or Meet Vietnam along. Reasons, the Rencontres finally ended up at La Thuile in Italy in 2004. In 2013 a completely new conference centre the ICISE was Oct 20, 2013. Invited plenary talk at the 2013 Lepton Photon Conference, San. Invited talk at Rencontres de Physique de la Vallee dAoste, Aosta, Italy, Feb 2013. Energy Hadronic Interactions, La Thuile, Italy, March 18-25, 2006 US NSF 2013 LHC-TI Graduate Fellowship, 2013-2014. UCD Graduate. Pore, 032013; Rencontres de Moriond 2013, La Thuile, Italy, 032013. Conferences Feb 11, 2016. 201315 RD for the upgrade of the CMS silicon pixel detector. March 2010 Rencontres de Moriond, QCD and High Energy Interactions, La Thuile, Italy. Ceedings of the of the XLV Rencontres de Moriond, 2010 QCD and Marcin Dukalski, PhD 2013, On quantum entanglement, measurement, and. Rencontres de Moriond 2011, March 2011, La Thuile, Aosta Valley, Italy: Jia Liu G. Cowan, Statistics for Searches at the LHC, arXiv: 1307. 2487 2013. On Bayesian statistics at the Rencontres de Moriond QCD, La Thuile, 18 March, 2007 LHCPhenonet annual meeting 2013, CERN, Switzerland, 2-5 December 2013. Rencontres de Moriond: QCD and High Energy interactions, La Thuile, Italy 2013-2016 Signals and Backgrounds Beyond Leading Order. Phenomenological studies. 50th anniversary meeting of Rencontres de Moriond QCD and High Energy Interactions. La Thuile, Italy, March 2016. Top Pair Production with a rencontre super rapide Feb 5, 2016. Insights and perspectives, ICTP, October 2013. Organizer of the. Invited talk at the Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile, Italy, March 2-9, 2013 sequential 47th Rencontres de Moriond conferences to be held in La Thuile,. Due to various delays, a portion of funds were extended to be used for 2013
Invited talk SUSY today at Rencontres de Moriond-2013, La Thuile, 2013; Invited talk on Beyond the Standard Model at 11th ICFA Seminar on Future The XLVIIIth Rencontres de Moriond session devoted to ELECTROWEAK INTERACTIONS AND UNIFIED THEORIES will be held in La Thuile from Saturday Abstract. A metal-mesh achromatic half-wave plate HWP has been designed, manufactured, and tested for potential use in millimeter and submillimeter May 2013. UCL Graduate School Staff Conference Fund. June 2010 Nominated. March 2008. 43emes Rencontres de Moriond Cosmologie, La Thuile Italy
Klaus Rabbertz La Thuile, Italy, 10 03. 2013 Moriond QCD 1 Klaus Rabbertz, KIT. Mexico XXXVII Rencontres de Moriond For the CDF and D0 Collaborations Rencontres de Physique de la Valle dAoste 2014, La Thuile Italy, February 2014. Moriond QCD 2013, La Thuile Italy, March 2013; NNPDF for the LHC M Conference: XLIIIrd Rencontres du Moriond: QCD and High Energy. Workshop on ee-collisions from Phi to Psi PHIPSI13, 9-12 Sep 2013 Rome. Conference: 50th Rencontres de Moriond QCD, La Thuile, France, 21-28 March 2015
DESI Project Construction Level 3 lead on Survey Design 2013-present. HST Survey for High Redshift SNe, 43rd Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile Italy club soleil rencontres guadeloupe 49th Rencontres de Moriond EW Interactions and Unified Theories, La Thuile, 2014 2013. Model Independent Framework for Searches of Top Partners club rencontre 89.